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Premiere Award

Greek National Tourism Organization

The Greek National Tourism Organization site does a great job of getting you to the essentials for your trip to Greece, the soul of the Mediterranean. Beyond the basic country information, the GNTO sends you to accommodation databases, activities and events lists, and links you to specialized sites in most areas. An extensive attractions section includes museums, archeological sites, monasteries, islands, and flora and fauna.

Greek National Tourism Organization

Content Award

Internet Guide to Greece

The Go Greece site, a master page of annotated links, has three main divisions that let you discover reams of information about Greece in over 15 topic areas with more than 75 titled subsections. Arts, business, computers, education, entertainment, government, news, reference, culture, sports, and others. Hundreds of links to more places than you can imagine. Events calendar, business directory -- omniscient!

Internet Guide to Greece

Hellenic Ministry of Culture

The Odysseus site is the fullest catalogue of sites, reference, and information about Greek culture available. Over 250 museums, monuments, and archeological sites are listed alphabetically and by subject. Modern and contemporary arts are covered as well with links to organizations and events. Culture event searches cover 40 sections.

Hellenic Ministry of Culture

Matt Barrett's Guides to Greece

This site is the exception to our rule against personal pages, but that can hardly apply to this wonderful set of stories, commentaries, advice, and observations. Within the humorous recounting of visits, trips, and journeys, Barrett gives solid, responsible information to the reader. Links occur to everything you'll need to travel and enjoy Greece. If you have a narrative bone in your body, this is the way to seek the islands and mainland. Includes George the Famous Taxi Driver.

Matt Barrett

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