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Premiere Award

Japan Travel Updates

This site by the Japan National Tourist Organization is far more than an update. From a simple homepage, links on a country map take you through 9 regions, each of which is layered with essays, maps, transportation information and more in great detail that's easily navigated. If you don't want to explore and need quick responses, access the site's extensive databases through any one of the 8 main buttons at the top of the site. Want recommended itineraries - follow the Travel Plan link into the informative Your Way guides. Other topical and current information, too.

Japan Travel Updates

Content Award

Japan Information Network

Rarely so we recommend a site that is primarily links, but here we have to make an exception - otherwise you'd miss too much that's too good. The Japan Information Network site is a annotated compendium of links to the social, economical, cultural, political, educational - well, you'll find it all here in various formats and with different emphases. Our favorites are the Virtual Museum, Japan Atlas, and Regions and Cities. Our brother, who's not a visual learner, likes Japan Insights, and Statistics. Your favorite will be there, too.

Japan Information Network

Quality Award

Welcome to TokyoQ

The "Welcome to TokyoQ - Life in the Megalopolis" website is like having a good friend who lives in Tokyo but who's a little more cool than you are. After the news of the (last) week, the magazine-like format gives great and up-to-date listings with fine commentary for clubs, performances, music, and art. Reviews of nightspots, little hotels, baths, and books are fun and informative reads - and archives are available to do your research. "The City" section - the columns of the mag - suggests city walks and little adventures, shows B&W pics and sketches.

Welcome to TokyoQ

The Japan Zone

The bright, well-organized Japan Zone brings you a wide range of information and a practical approach. "Cultural Japan" may explain traditional bunraku puppetry, but "Modern Japan" will ID Japanese movie stars and list the most significant Japanese companies with their websites. "New to Japan" talks about finding a job and a place to live. "Japan Omnibus" takes you sightseeing (great details and links) and shows you history, religion, and government basics. The "Japan Gallery" has photos with notes, and the "Japan Forum" hosts email discussions by topic. Find flights and accommodations from the homepage. Great site!

The Japan Zone

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