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Premiere Award

Espana Tourism

This official site is designed to give you quick access to a wide range of information for all parts of Spain. A basic, recurring menu keeps you in control whatever the depth of your exploration. This is not a booking site, but a large database of hotels, activities, campsites, and providers will give you all the addresses, prices, and phone numbers you could want. Much other information is there- your quickest route is through the cleverly designed "A-Z Contents" sitemap.

Espana Tourism

Content Award

Si, Spain

"Si, Spain" is a mixture of very good, essay-format information and straight links to other sites. Sections on geography, population and society, history, language and culture, politics, foreign affairs, economy, infrastructure, health, and education each lead to a list of subtopics that are discussed in clear, authoritative text. Many areas have further links, and "Other websites in or about Spain" is valuable. Individuals have contributed information and sites as well.

Si, Spain

Quality Award

Softguide Madrid

Madrid is a necessary destination if you want the full version of Spain, and this well-organized and developed site can show you the several aspects of the capital city of Spain. General information, transportation, accommodations, great city zone layouts and maps, restaurants, museums, entertainment, shopping, and culture. A breezy text and comprehensive information make this a necessary site for exploring this exciting city.

Softguide Madrid


You'll enjoy Cyber Spain's thematic approach to organizing information. The chatty text revolves around the themes of Color, Friends, Passion, and Life - reorganizing the typical tourist game yet retaining the valuable information. They're not embarrassed to provide regular links to their store, where you'll see a variety of titles selected for each area or section you explore.


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